A Simple Dose of Farmers Walks
If there is one movement out there that belongs in each and every program (shredding fat, stacking on muscle, developing grip strength or...
5 ways to "CHARGE UP" Your Program
The program you’re on is slugging along. You’re bored, unmotivated and not looking forward to your workouts. I hate to break it to you,...
Its All About the Protein...Part 2
We’re back for part two of protein! In part one, I dived into what protein actually IS, what it’s made up of, and how it contributes to...
Its all about the PROTEIN...Part 1
There is an optimal diet for almost any goal out there. Whether it be fat-loss, muscle-gain or performance, there is a diet to serve...
The Process....What Strength Training and a Good Bourbon Have in Common
I’m a fairly predictable person. If you know me in the gym, you know I’m doing a big barbell movement. If you know me at the bar, you...
*Guest Post* Simple Ways to Sneak Healthy Food Into Your Diet
Image via Pixabay Back in 2012, a whopping 52% of polled Americans confessed that they think it’s harder to select healthy foods than it...
A Little Bit About the Rower
When you make the decision to “get into shape” or "tighten up" for Summer, do you head straight to the treadmill or elliptical? Does that...
Challenging the "Big 3"
Anyone who has spent time in the weight room knows the "Big Three" of lifting: the squat, the bench press, and the deadlift. As my...
Low-Carb....Is it Right for YOU?
Lets start with some truth before we dive in here. Low-carb diets DO work for weight loss and fat loss. Ground-breaking, I know, so I'll...
Strength Training? Isn't that just for athletes?
What the heck is "strength" anyway? Strength is a term thrown around all the time, and it can be hard to decipher what it really means....