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Hypertrophy 101 - The Program

Remember our conversations about hpertrophy and workout nutrition? Well, here is part 2 of that discussion. Take a look at this total body 4-week hypertrophy plan. It includes two upper and two lower body emphasis days. Give it a try and see if you can kick-start your hypertrophy gains! I'd love to hear what you think, so shoot me an email!

WORKOUT A: Upper (Back hypertrophy)

Compound Movement (Strength) A1) Incline Barbell Bench Press 3x6 (Shoot for most you can push for 6 reps, then decrease weight about 5% and try to get 6-8 reps, then decrease once more, and shoot for 6-8 reps. Increase first set weekly)

B1-B3 (Back Specialization) B1) Single Arm DB Row 4x6/side B2) Wide Grip Cable Row 4x12 B3) DB Pullover 4x8 B4) Chest Supported Reverse DB Fly 4x20

*Rest 30-40 sec between circuits and 90 sec between sets to maximize recovery

C1- Close Grip Pull ups

Week 1- 2x Max Week 2- 3x 6 (4 second lowering) Week 3- 3x Max Week 4- 4x4 (6 second lowering)

C2- Barbell Curl 12-15

Week 1- 2x6 (heavy) Week 2- 3x 12-15 Week 3- 3x6 (Heavy) Week 4- 4x12-15

WORKOUT B: Lower (Quad Hypertrophy)

Metabolic Stress- Pre fatigue sets (pump sets)

A1) Hamstring Leg Curl 3x15 (1 second up, 3 seconds down, squeeze your hamstrings and feel every rep)

B1-B3 (Quad Specialization) B1) Back Squat (3 seconds down, explode up) 3x6 B2) Goblet Pause-Squats (Squat down, pause at the bottom for 4-6 seconds, explode up) 3x8 B3) Close-Step Lunges (use BW or very light weight) 3x10/leg B4) Leg Extensions 3x20

- Increase to 4 sets on week 3 only

*Rest 30-40 sec between circuits and 90 sec between sets to maximize recovery

C1-C2 (Glute/core) C1- Bodyweight Glute Bridges 25 C2- Reverse Crunch w/Hip Lift 15

Repeat 3x

WORKOUT C (Chest/Shoulder Emphasis)

Compound Movement (Strength)

A1) Barbell Row 3x6 (Shoot for most you can push for 6 reps, then decrease weight about 5% and try to get 6-8 reps, then decrease once more, and shoot for 6-8 reps. Increase first set weekly)

B1- B3 (Shoulder Specialization) B1- Barbell Standing Military Press (Explode up, 3 seconds down) 6 reps B2-Db High Pull 8-10 reps B3- DB Lateral Raise 15 reps

Repeat for a total of 4 sets (weeks 2 and 4 go for a total of 3 sets)

C1-C3 (Chest Specialization) C1- 60 degree Incline DB Press 6-8 reps C2- 35 degree Incline DB Press 8-10 reps C2- Flat DB Press 10-12 reps

Repeat for a total of 3 sets (Weeks 2 and 4 go for 4 total sets)

D1- Close Grip Pushups (3 seconds down, explode up) D2- Tricep Pressdown (1 second down- 4 seconds up) 2x

*Rest 30-40 sec between circuits and 90 sec between sets to maximize recovery

WORKOUT D: Lower (Glute/Hamstring Hypertrophy)

Compound Movement (Strength)

A1) Trap Bar DL 3x6 (Shoot for most you can push for 6 reps, then decrease weight about 5% and try to get 6-8 reps, then decrease once more, and shoot for 6-8 reps. Increase first set weekly)

B1-B3 (Glute Specialization) B1) DB Step-Back Lunge 3x8/side B2) DB Single Leg RDL 3x 10/side B3) Barbell loaded Glute Bridge 3x 12-15 reps

- Increase to 4 sets on week 3 only

*Rest 30-40 sec between circuits and 90 sec between sets to maximize recovery

C1-C2 (Hamstring Emphasis) C1- Single Leg Hyperextension 10/leg C2- Swiss Ball Leg Curl 15 reps

Repeat 3x

Program notes:

*The best split would be a M/T/TH/F split. On Saturday,one option is to include 20 minutes of interval cardio training and any other specialty work you might want to throw in (core, calves, arms). Try to keep to total sets low an focus on metabolic stress (higher reps and keeping blood flow contained).

*For added arm work, add 3-4 sets during leg workouts, as the more frequent stimulus, the better when it comes to arms.

*Obviously, this is more of a "catch-all" program. For a more specific approach, online coaching may be a great option for you for a more individualized approach to your goals.

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